Sunday, September 18, 2005
Unexpected Sparks
~Samuel Johnson
Have you ever had something fly out at you from left field and completely take you off guard? Of course you have....we ALL's part of life. Some of those things that surprise us are good.........others aren't. The water main that broke in my house this week and ruined all of my furniture and donations for the homeless, wasn't a good thing. It was totally unexpected, unprepared for, and most definitely, unwanted.
SSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........POW!!! Curveball...left field.
Some of the things that hit us unexpectedly are FAR more tragic though......far more deep and earth shattering for us. Things that scar us and drag us to the depths of grief and agony. Hurricane Katrina is a good example. It wasn't a good thing, it was somewhat expected...but not to the cataclysmic level of devastation that it caused...and it is VERY safe to say that it was unwanted by ALL.
PPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffttttttttttt..........**BOOM**!!!!! Cannon hit.........from behind.
What happens when we get hit out of the blue like that? Well....there are a few emotional and understandable possibilities.
Panic.......when everything goes into a slow motion dream state and you feel like you're watching a movie, because this couldn't possibly be happening.
Shock........when you step back for a moment, survey your surroundings or what's left of them, you realize it is happening and you're helpless to do anything to stop it.
Devestation.......when your mind and heart begin to tally the depth of the loss that sends you into a tailspin.
Hopelessness.......the process of being in that tailspin, as you see the ground rapidly approaching your face.
Anger.......the justifiable rage at HOW could this have happened, WHO is to blame, and WHO will make it right.
Peace...........what?!?! PEACE?!?!?!? That doesn't fit in here.....WHAT peace?? We're talking tragedy and loss here.....they don't go hand in hand in this discussion......................................or do they? Foreign concept, ISN'T it?
However, somewhere.....buried within each unexpected matter how much it brings you to the depths of agony that you never even knew could be felt by a human......SOMEWHERE....there is a scarlet chord of hope and purpose that will, IN TIME......give birth to peace.
For me, the peace this week was in knowing that despite all the loss in my home our insurance will help us rebuild and replace the material things that were destroyed.
For others it goes deeper. I'm sure you're thinking to selfish of callous and unfeeling to use Katrina as a comparison because, there is no good that's come out of it...NO peace. I beg to differ though.
Just this week I saw a story about a family who went through Katrina and have reached and anchored into their peace.
They are a loving, poor African American family who were already experiencing the pangs of desperation before they lost everything...well.....not everything. You see...for them, they will never mourn the losses of their home, their car, their jobs, their possessions, their pets or whatever else they fact....they will look back at Katrina as a miraculous answer to prayer. How on earth could that be possible....we've all seen and heard the stories of tragedy on TV.'s very simple.
Their son who was lying in the hospital dying, because he was in desparate need of a heart transplant, is now alive even though they were told there was no hope for him. How? Well....they were poor and had no money to pay for all the special things he needed to sustain him until a donor could be found. So they sat at his bedside on a death watch......waiting for the moment he would take his last breath.
Suddenly however, a miracle came their way in the form of hurricane Katrina. The hospital was evacuated and they along with their son were transported to a children's hospital in Texas, a hospital that specializes in heart transplants for children. realizing that this family had lost everything, the government paid for a special flight to Germany, for the hospital staff to pick up and PAY for the very expensive device that was needed to save his life, and flew it back to Texas and inserted it into his body so he could live. Now, this family, who would have not only lost their beloved son, but all they had worked for in their lives...has been handed a scarlet chord of hope and PEACE. They will never regret the loss of their home....or their possessions....and they will never curse hurricane Katrina....hard as that is to believe....because out of the ash heap, they have been handed something beautiful....the life of their dear son.
We are all victims of unexpected circumstances at some point in our lives....some worse than others....but somewhere....buried deep within....there can be found peace.
What do I wish for you? What do I pray for you? I pray that whatever hits matter how find and grasp onto your scarlet chord of peace and let it lead you to the brightest blazes of gladness that lie somewhere beyond the tragedy of the moment.
Friday, September 16, 2005
"Never had it so good!"
I shared this with someone on 43Things today and let them know that it has had a powerful impact on my life. A message of positive affirmation of the glory of a new day.
When I think of the possible alternatives and contemplate that I am where i am and I am who I am and that by the grace of God I have one more day to learn and grow it's not too hard to exclaim, "I've never had it so good!"
A friend of mine named Kirk Weisler has taken to adding the sig line, "Make it a great day! It's your choice." This is just another way of reaching that positive self affirmation. Find one that works for you. Something to remind you as Emile Coue stated,
"Every day, and in every way, I am becoming better and
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Embracing both Positivity and Negativity
The following information was referred from
To manifest your desires into real life, one must embrace both the positive and, contrary to conventional New Age myth, the negative currents as well. Remember, the positive exists not for itself, but to merge with the negative.
As long as you cling to a "positive" or a dual notion of reality, you are precisely prolonging the need for both polarities to exist. Instead of bridging the gap between the two, you expand it. Instead of reconciling the dynamic interaction of two creative forces, you instead stay "positive". And as long as you stay "positive", creation is impossible.
Some New Agers are channelers to some of the positive energies but most are powerless and skillless in knowing how to use them. Most don't seem to realize these energies exist to serve their creation, not their emotion.
Failing this recognition, most lack the responsibility and the discipline to mold these energies into concrete reality. They confuse "feeling energy" or "feeling good" or "feeling positive" with creation and mastery of both polarities.
(This leaves many New Agers wondering why their lives have not been transformed into their desired reality, not realizing that you need 3rd dimensional skills to transform 4th dimensional energy. Remember: reconcile both polarities. But since most limp New Agers refer to "3rd Dimension" as mostly negative, and having failed to reconcile their existence with it, they then wonder why they lead such miserable lives.)
Having more positive does not "overcome" the negative. The negative will simply produce more negative to counterbalance the positive since they both exist to be reconciled. Any negativity you encounter is therefore the negativity you have invited to yourself. And it will be those who will be strong enough to embrace both the positive and the negative undercurrents, both the joy and the pain, who will be doing the creative "work" of transformation."
Friday, September 09, 2005
Make every moment count
If I had my life over again, I'd dare to make more mistakes next time. I would limber up. I would take fewer things seriously. I would take more chances. I would climb more mountains and skip more rivers. I would eat more icecream and eat less beans. I would perhaps have more troubles, but I would have fewer imaginary ones. You see, I am one of those people who lives seriously, hour after hour, day after day. Oh, I've had my moments, but if I had to do it all over again, I'd have more of them. In fact I'd try to have nothing else, just moments, one after the other instead of living so many years ahead of each day. I've been one of those people who never goes anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoat and a parachute. If I had to do it again, I'd travel lighter than i have. I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies.
~Dick Leider - Author of "The Power of Purpose"
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
The Genuine Article
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Intending and Requesting
Some say we have power to create our own reality, that through belief and intent we can and should specify our personal future. And yet experience shows reality is already predicated upon a design more elegant than anything we can specify through our ephemeral desires.
Others therefore say we should go with the flow and accept what comes. And yet experience shows that while some things are destined, more mundane things are left to choice—if not choice, then chance. The law of chance is without design and without mercy, and abandoning the responsibility to choose invites the law of chance into one’s life with often unpleasant consequences.
The bigger things in life we cannot change. The smaller things we can. Life is a river whose flow we cannot reverse, yet we have freedom to navigate within that flow. Near the shore we move slowly and roughly; near the center we move quickly and smoothly. We can humbly accept the bigger things and still actively direct the smaller things. We can and we must. But how?
For what is within our power and wisdom to specify, we may intend. For what is beyond our power to direct or wisdom to specify, we may make a request. Intending and requesting are two of the most powerful tools we have for shaping our experiences within the framework of destiny.
Intend for the mundane things you know you need. Intend for a good parking spot, intend for the perfect product or service at the perfect price, intend for a good job when you’re looking for one, intend for a positive and exciting day, intend for anything that is inconsequential to destiny and respects freewill. Intend or it will be left to chance.
Be specific when you intend. Mentally outline or visualize what you want. This sharpens the focus of conscious energy upon that selected probable future. If you want a blue shirt under ten dollars, then visualize the blue shirt and intend that it be under ten dollars. If you want compensation for the money you just spent on a book, then intend that you be doubly compensated. If you want a safe road trip, then go over each potential complication and intend that it not arise. Whatever your intent, be specific. You are projecting your own energy into the matrix of probable futures and selecting a particular one to manifest.
For the more important things, make requests. Request knowledge, wisdom, insight, guidance, protection. Request an answer to a puzzling question, request illumination, request that you learn your lessons as smoothly and efficiently as possible, request that you are given the best opportunities for fulfilling your potential. You cannot intend for these because they are beyond your wisdom to accurately specify. Therefore leave their fulfillment to the discretion of wiser forces like your positive Higher Self, the Universe, and divine forces. Be general and earnest in your request, and have faith and patience. By being general you leave the outcome entirely open and thereby allow possibilities to manifest that you could never have imagined.
Intending is commanding, and when done wisely commanding is the proper exercise of spiritual power. Over time reality will tell you what is mundane and what is significant, and you’ll get better at intending for what is within your place to intend.
Requesting is humbly knocking on the door to assistance by wiser forces. Such forces respect freewill and only assist when you request. Never requesting anything keeps the door closed. Disappointment means reality has something better in store for you at a better time.
Requesting when you should be intending is a form of wishing and only robs you of power. Intending when you should be requesting spits in the face of higher wisdom and is a display of spiritual hubris, while intending for what clearly goes against destiny and freewill is black magic. The lesson: don’t pray to Jesus for a new car, intend for a new car; don’t command reality into unraveling for you a mystery, request it or else you might learn the right thing at the wrong time or wrong thing at the right time. To intend is to command, to request is to ask.
Requesting is easy. When you feel like you need assistance, call up from within the feeling of gratitude and humility, then state your request verbally while paying full attention to the meaning of your request. Remain silent for several seconds and wait to receive a feeling of comfort that your request has been acknowledged. Then go away in certainty and relief that your request will be answered in the right way at the right time.
Intending is also easy. Just hold in your mind exactly what it is you want and then go do something else. Just like ordering something through the mail. In between intending and manifesting must be a temporary period of forgetting. If you want a good parking spot, give yourself enough time to forget about your intent before you get there. If you are intending for a good day, do it when you first wake up. This gives reality some breathing room to reshuffle the timeline.
The only real difference between intending and requesting is whom you address and how specific or general your intent. By intending, you acknowledge yourself as the source of power influencing reality. By requesting, you humbly address forces wiser and more powerful than yourself.
Attention freezes the object of attention, so restlessly anticipating something will put it off. This is simple quantum mechanics. The sooner you think about something else the sooner reality can get to work. Anticipation kills the future – it is better to have doubt than to anticipate, it is better to have patience than doubt, and there is no easier way to be patient than keeping yourself busy with other things.
These are metaphysical tools to catalyze the flow of experience and assist rather than undermine destiny. Most people only understand the physical side of life, that getting anywhere requires planning and physical action. Of course, doing is central to getting anything done, but direct action is only part of the equation. To summarize the rest: intend wisely, request earnestly, and go with the flow gracefully.
By Montalk
Friday, September 02, 2005
Powerful Phrases for Positive People
- "I'm proud of you."
- "I believe in you."
- "I trust you."
- "I love you."
- "You can do it."
What a beautiful world will this place be if everyone of us are aware of these phrases and will use them in our everyday journey.
Let's use these powerful phrases, teammates!
Leap of faith
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, He said.
They came,He pushed them,...........and they flew.
~Guillaume Apollinaire
How many times in life have we felt like we are standing on the edge of a frightening and deadly precipice with no way out? I don't know about you....but I have felt that way many times. Each time however I have felt the gentle nudging of my God to trust Him and take a blind leap of faith. When I let go of my fears and my insecurities,my anger and my doubt I can jump......and each time He has caught me.
Much easier said than done though, right? Of course it is. The circumstances we are in dictate those fears and insecurities, anger and doubt. The key however is to come to the realization that as you stand on the edge of that precipice there is no turning back.....only forward. Those things are done and gone, they can not be undone unfortunately,they can not be taken back. So what are your choices from here? You can crumble and give up because things didn't go the way they were supposed to. You can become bitter and hard because things didn't go the way they were supposed to. Or, you can stand up,take a deep and possibly painful breath and somehow go on because for some reason things just didn't go the way they were supposed to. No matter what you can't change the fact that things didn't go the way they were supposed to, but you CAN change how you react to it.
When you feel you're at that edge, with a wasteland behind you.......take that frightening leap........He will never let you fall from His grasp.
discussion board
Please go there and join if possible. There are a couple of threads already started there, but you can always start a new one if you'd like. Thanks :)
The Journey ahead in all its difficulty
Everything we do puts us one step closer to finding out who we really are. That’s right, we don’t know who we are. One perception of this reality can be seen by viewing how far you have travelled in discovering yourself.
Indeed, we will never truly find out who we really are because this would be overwhelming. If we knew who we really are and how powerful we would become, we would be embarrassed in our situation for feeling so minute. We would be in awe of the power and give up trying to get there. This is also the reason why time exists; there is a past and future to organise experiences so it doesn’t all happen at once.
Our name is only a label of our human body. What we can achieve in this lifetime is not limited to our beliefs and views. We are able to achieve anything, but this is within the imposed limits of your reality. Once you have learnt all the lessons (emotional and spiritual) imposed in your situation, you will be at the same level of the reality and thus be able to manipulate it. One example would be if you learnt all there is to know about success, you would be able to manipulate success and be successful.
This is why some people have particular psychic abilities. Eventually teleportation will be accessible. This can only be obtained through working on yourself and learning all the lessons beforehand. By enduring the physical plane and living it in all it’s crudity, you will eventually learn all these lessons and transcend it with new abilities.
That’s what makes this journey so wonderful. We are not equiped with telepathy and the variety of psychic faculties. We are flying blind on this Earth plane. We have the potential to grow enormously and that’s what makes this journey so wonderful. If we remembered all our past lives, we would not grow as fast because we would have carried those habits and personalities from those lives. We would have entrenched ourselves in our old ways. Our mind would be less supple.
Being yourself is difficult because you don’t know who you are. The only thing you can do is feel and think what you should be doing and do it. Follow your intuition, but also use your intellect to avoid repeating mistakes. The journey you are on is sacred and wonderful.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
The Good Man
Living vs. Existing
-Mahatma Gandhi
It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.
-St. Francis of Assisi
From what I’ve seen, these quotes explain perfectly the difference between living and existing.
Life is not made up of events, per se. It’s made up of how we process them and how we react to them. The events alone don’t make a person who they are. If you lost the memory of what you’d been through in your life, the particular pieces wouldn’t matter anymore - rather, what you’d gained (or lost) from them would be the thing to define you.
This is an edit of something I wrote a few days ago about my goal to live rather than exist:
“I think part of this, a big part, is being a good person, a kind person; choosing one’s words to impart the most help and happiness possible; choosing one’s actions to create the best possible outcome every minute of the day instead of falling into a pessimistic funk.
It’s having empathy for others while still being able to keep yourself whole rather than shattered for caring so deeply.
It’s caring deeply in the first place.
It’s seeing a problem in the world and doing all you can to fix it yourself, then inspiring others to help you (because they are amazing somebodies with voices) instead of yelling at them to stop being lazy nobodies.
It’s when you see everything as miraculous rather than nothing as miraculous; everything as original, new, beautiful, rather than everything “already having been done”, old, ugly, useless.
It’s when you can get up in the morning and be grateful for more chances to do - whatever that may involve.
It’s loving freely and easily while still understanding that people are just human, and they will disappoint you sometimes - but it’s worth it for all the joy friendship, family, and relationships bring - the joy that can come from the mingling of lives.
It’s when every second is worth it for no other reason than the fact that it is yours.
It’s when you are able to see your mistakes without hating yourself for them; It’s when you’re able to see your beauty and talent and want everyone else to feel that good about themselves, too.
It’s when you are your own strongest advocate.
It’s when you are able to share whatever you are best at – your passion – your essence – with others freely - whether that may be photography, writing, astronomy, or anything else.
It’s when you live and breathe a constant striving for, not better per se, but for goodness and whatever goodness is to you.
It really has nothing to do with the experiences you’ve collected, but more to do with the experiences you seek and why you seek them. Experiencing is not living. Not even close. I have been through more than many older than me… and yet most of my life has been permeated by this awful feeling of stagnation and nothing and third person viewing of everything that should be mine to cherish.
Living… now that is something else entirely, and something you can do on a day when all your day consists of (according to one who thinks living is a collection of snapshots and should be judged by how “interesting” those snapshots are) is a trip to the grocery store. Getting off the computer, stopping watching TV… only abandoning these habits will not promise you life. It promises you more snapshots. It is the person him or herself who makes these beautiful…
... I have no intention to be a saint. But I want to be a good person, and I want people to remember me as that. I want to touch a lot of lives, if only in the smallest of ways, because that, I think, is the greatest gift and the greatest form of creation… creation in the sense of having added a little piece of happiness. A little piece of hope... and the ability to act on it.
Maybe adding a little bit of innocence to the world - the great gift of staying childlike in awe even after spending time here. I know I’m trying.”
With all these things in mind, I am happier than I can ever remember being on a regular basis.
