Friday, September 16, 2005

"Never had it so good!"

This is the way my father has responded to the common question of how he's doing for years.
I shared this with someone on 43Things today and let them know that it has had a powerful impact on my life. A message of positive affirmation of the glory of a new day.

When I think of the possible alternatives and contemplate that I am where i am and I am who I am and that by the grace of God I have one more day to learn and grow it's not too hard to exclaim, "I've never had it so good!"

A friend of mine named Kirk Weisler has taken to adding the sig line, "Make it a great day! It's your choice." This is just another way of reaching that positive self affirmation. Find one that works for you. Something to remind you as Emile Coue stated,
"Every day, and in every way, I am becoming better and

Stan......this is I think the best response I have ever heard. I'm going to adopt it too.... THANKS!!! :)
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