Wednesday, August 31, 2005

In The Midst Of Calamity

Beyond the azure blue, there is a God concealed from human sight.. It is behind the creation of this world that humans must seek faith. Not faith limited in the context of words, but faith that is limitless through works. In the midst of calamity we must be tenacious in embracing the good in humanity, we must be tenacious in seeking the lost, we must be tenacious in being positive examples, we must not let the fate of this world be our demise. In all things we must see the good inside the bad, the glass half full instead of the heart half empty. I find comfort in knowing that compassion and benevolence exists in so many places where so much is absent, to fill that sad and uncomfortable rift that aims to tear us apart from our true purpose in life. In the midst of calamity we can become stronger, work harder, love more, have meekness, engage in prayer, are renewed in conviction, meditate and embrace the true nature of being like our Creator.

Well said!!!! AMEN!!
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